Tetanus Diphtheria Polio & Meningitis ACWY Consent

The Teenage Booster Vaccinations programme is offered to all children in Year 9 as part of the routine schedule for childhood immunisations within the United Kingdom.

The vaccination will take place in your child’s school between January and April. You will be notified of the session date by the school. There will be two vaccinations on offer:

Teenage Booster (Td/IPV): this will be your child’s fifth and final dose, comprising of Tetanus, Diphtheria and Polio. Further information regarding vaccine components and expected responses can be found by visiting:

3-in-1-teenage-booster Info

Men ACWY: a single dose of this vaccine offers protection against A, C, W and Y meningococcal bacterium. Further information regarding vaccine components and expected responses can be found by visiting:

Useful Info On Meningitis ACWY Vaccine

In addition, the MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella) vaccine will also be available for those children who have not received two doses at the routine times. Further information regarding vaccine components and expected responses can be found via:

MMR Vaccine Info

MMR Vaccine Leaflet

In line with English Medical Law, your child may be invited to self-consent to vaccinations if a consent form has not been returned or if they express a wish to receive vaccinations and are assessed by a nurse as Gillick Competent to do so.
