SEN Staff Flu Vaccine Consent Form

The annual flu vaccination programme will commence between September and December each year. Offer of the vaccine has been extended to include all staff working within Special Educational Needs establishments. Flu can be an unpleasant illness and sometimes causes serious complications.

The vaccine is recommended by Public Health England. It is given via injection into the upper arm. Please visit the following link for more information regarding the vaccine:

Read more about Influenza Flu Vaccination

The presence of COVID-19 this winter season increases the importance of flu vaccine uptake for those who are vulnerable or who have regular contact with the vulnerable population.

The Immunisation Team will be visiting your school to administer the inactivated flu vaccine. You will be notified of the session date by your school in due course. Please submit your digital consent form indicating whether you do or do not give consent.

If you have any queries, please contact the Immunisation Team by email at: .