Nasal Flu Vaccination Consent Form

The annual flu vaccination programme will run between September and December. The Immunisation Team will be visiting your child’s school to administer the nasal flu vaccine. You will be notified of the session date by your school in due course.

Flu can be an unpleasant illness and sometimes causes serious complications. This annual vaccination programme is in place to help protect your child against the flu. Vaccinating healthy children also helps to protect those more vulnerable by reducing the spread and transmission of flu. The presence of COVID-19 this winter season increases the importance of flu vaccine uptake for those who are vulnerable or who have regular contact with the vulnerable population.

The vaccine is recommended by Public Health England and forms part of the routine immunisation schedule for all children from Reception to school Year 11. It is given via a quick and simple spray up the nose. Please visit the following link for more information regarding the vaccine:

Read more about Nasal Flu Vaccination

The digital consent form should be completed indicating your 'Yes' or 'No' consent decision, with all relevant questions answered.

Should you need any assistance in completing the consent form within the required timeframe, please direct your query to the service via the email address: 

*Please note: the consent form must be completed by the person with parental responsibility for your child. For Children Looked After, the consent form must be completed by the child’s Social Worker.

** Asthmatic children who are eligible to receive the nasal flu vaccine should do so. Please note that the vaccine should not be administered to
asthmatic children who have received oral steroids within the two weeks prior to the session, exhibited wheezing in the three days prior to the
session, or has been admitted to intensive care due to an asthmatic attack.


Useful information about vaccinations and the nasal flu vaccine can be found here:


Useful Info On Nasal Flu Vaccination

5 Reasons To Vaccinate

Flu Vaccination Questions Answered

General Vaccine Information

British Fatwa Council Nasal Flu Guidance
